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Full-bodied, balanced acidity and sweet, rounded flavor. colombia produces more washed arabica coffee than any other country. unfortunately, they've largely gone the route of higher-yield varieties. still, if one is willing to work at finding some special lots, it's possible to get exceptional colombian coffee. lately we've been buying a very flavorful colombian coffee from the southern province of huila. this is one region of the country that still grows the old, traditional coffee variety called typica instead of the newer hybrids. we find it very encouraging that enough growers there still believe in traditional quality, enabling quality-conscious buyers to find good coffee. we hope that our support of their efforts will provide incentive for other producers to return to the old varieties, which established colombian coffee's reputation in the first place. our selection is full-bodied and has a sweet, well-rounded flavor.. (per lb) 13.50
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370 Fourth St, San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 230-3091

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