4.04 mi
1943 Baseline Road, Ottawa, ON K2C 0C7
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As an AI language model, I cannot provide real-time information about specific businesses that no longer exist, unless it has been widely reported. However, here are some general tips on dealing with businesses that have permanently closed:

1. Confirm closure: Check the business's website, social media pages, or online directories to confirm that it is permanently closed.

2. Seek alternatives: Look for similar establishments in the area offering similar services or cuisine options. Online review platforms and local directories can help in this search.

3. Check for relocation: Some businesses might have relocated to a new address. Check their online presence for any announcements about a new location.

4. Explore refunds or vouchers: If you had previously made reservations or purchased vouchers, contact the business to inquire about refunds or alternative arrangements.

5. Update contact information: If you were a regular customer or had the business saved in your contact list, it's a good idea to remove their details or update them accordingly.

Remember that specific details about a particular business must be verified through reliable sources as circumstances can change.