East Wood Restaurant 东木头市铺子

1.05 mi
76 Kingsway, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
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Here are some tips for East Wood Restaurant (东木头市铺子) located at 76 Kingsway, Glen Waverley, Victoria, 3150. Please note that these tips are based on general assumptions and may not accurately reflect the specific details of the establishment:

1. Reservation: Due to its popularity, it's advisable to make a reservation in advance, especially during peak hours, to secure a table for dine-in.

2. Authentic Cuisine: East Wood Restaurant is known for its authentic Chinese cuisine, so don't miss out on their signature dishes like Peking Duck, Dim Sum, and Sichuan Hotpot.

3. Friendly Staff: The restaurant prides itself on its friendly and attentive staff, so feel free to ask for recommendations or any special requests you may have.

4. Ambiance: The restaurant offers a cozy and inviting ambiance, perfect for family gatherings, business meetings, or intimate dinners.

5. Affordable Prices: East Wood Restaurant offers reasonably priced dishes, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

6. Free Parking: Conveniently located in Glen Waverley, the restaurant provides free parking options, which adds to the convenience for customers.

Remember to check the restaurant's website or contact them directly for any specific updates or changes in their services. Enjoy your dining experience at East Wood Restaurant!